Thursday, December 30, 2010


Here, let me give you a little taste of mine.  And no, this isn't a "oh, pity me" moment.  It's just stuff.

To begin, I never really minded being last.  At the end of the alphabet, my ranking in sports, on a scale of attractiveness- it just doesn't matter to me.  Peoples thoughts are nice and all, but sometimes they aren't, and since they aren't mine to begin with, why should I be concerned with them?  Another thing is bullies.  Not always in my own life, but definitely in others, I've seen people be the victims (and others provide the pain) in ways so horrifying it must be human.  And it's all so disgusting.  Maybe to someone else, being a bully just means physically hurting or mentally testing someone.  But to me, it's someone that does anything of the mean sort that is excessive, unnecessary, and honestly just rude.  Public embarrassment, detrimental comments, and unwanted and/or harmful pressure are forms of bullying because, by definition, it is using power to intimidate those that are weaker.  Unfortunate for the bullies, God enjoys making the weak stronger than one could imagine.  And then, there goes your victims.
On a rather opposite note, I really love little kids- I want some of my own someday.  I like hearing them laugh and do the safe things they enjoy, because it's all innocent.  Other people like the thrill of doing things they shouldn't and the risk of being caught, but I just don't.  This goes for everything, from cheating to sneaking out.  It's never respectable, and a good story isn't worth doing things so blatantly wrong.  And, who knows- maybe you aren't getting away with everything you think you are.

Well, these are some of my thoughts.  If you don't like them, calm down, because it's not like they're yours anyway.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

¡Más arte!

Fun fact:  Apparently, "arta" means "plantain" in spanish.  Not art.

Swan/ Cisne

Tigre/ Tigre

Panda/ Panda

Tucan/ Tucán

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


I never gave my readers an explanation for the name of my URL.  So, readers, here you go.
"in-a-heartbeat" is a commonly used expression applied when one would do anything for someone at any given moment.  That being said, there are few beings ever created that I would act this way for, and this URL is in honor of them.  No, I won't name who they are.  It is unnecessary.  That, and, they should know. And if they don't, then that is a quite vivid stab in the heart.
I guess there are several tangents I could go off onto from there.  "The heart wants what the heart wants." "When a heart breaks, no it don't break even" etc.  But, I'd rather not.  I'm not here to teach you what you've already learned from the radio.
That's all.  Hey, I bet you didn't expect me, of all people, to put so much thought into something I do.  Well, you know, every day you learn something new.  Today you learned I have feelings.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

family time!

This is me, my brother, and my sister.  Notice how the largest of the three is sitting in the center, and her eyes are seemingly bugging out of her eyes.  And the boy on the left looks tired, when in actuality he very much was not.  And the girl on the right looks innocent.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Scratch my previous bad mood.  Glee is tonight and Hanukkah starts tomorrow!  Hooray!  I like Glee, because it's cheesy, as am I.  And I like Hanukkah, because the food is fried, as am I.  (Well... I'm oftentimes greasy to some degree.)

Monday, November 29, 2010


So, I've been in an unusually bipolar state the past few days.
No, it isn't hormones.  I know because I asked them.
I guess it's just a mixture of everything, really.  None of this should probably be on the internet, but hey, why not?  It's either the truth or rumors that will surely be spread anyway.
I'm an idiot, kids treat me like I'm special ed, my beliefs are scrutinized and made fun of, my heart's broken- and guess who wants to fix all of this?  Probably not you.
But, on the contrary, life is still good.
I have a nice home, clothes that keeps me warm, (enough- I'm naturally a physically, internally cold person) and a few good friends that put smiles on my otherwise horrendous face.  Plus, the holidays are coming up, and those usually cheer me up, too.  How could they not?  Tis the season for giving.
Which, if you think about it, should be all year round.  But, you know.  We decorate for this round.
On that note, pray for my aunt, who just got a titanium rod put in (as in inside) her femur, and is allergic to all pain medication except Tylenol.  Hope you are doing well, whenever you may see this <3.
That's all.  Love you...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fort Victor

So, roughly 4 months ago my friend and I had nothing to do on a very nice summer day.  After spitballing several ideas (lemonade stand, painted rock stand, etc.) we decided to build a fort.  The construction consisted of a camouflage covering, "noodles", a tube/raft, and a lot of tape.  And, a bungee cord to keep it upright.  Also lifejackets (floatation was a common theme) were necessary, in case we got caught in a flash flood.
Here's a beginning picture of the fort, Fort Victor:

That's me, poking it with my foot.

That's me again, poking it with my foot.  Again.

Latina, as always.

So, my friend had a mexican fiesta themed party the other day, and all the guests were instructed to "dress for the occasion".  So, I dressed Latina.  Which means I put on red lipstick too early before I left the house and stained several articles of fabric as a result of doing so.
But, anyway, I couldn't tell if I looked ridiculous in the mirror or not, so I took a few pictures of myself to see.  (I've noticed that sometimes a photograph can give more detail than examining oneself in a mirror.  In this case, I was wrong, but...) The pictures weren't too great, but I did get something out of it.  And that thing was this   ^.
It is my favorite picture of myself at the moment, because my eyes look like they belong to a doll and I am not dressed in my normal attire.  As a note, I know I also look stupid, but let's pretend I don't and be nice.
-lone wolf

Sunday, November 21, 2010


So, I figured I should start giving you some insight into who I am, as in, my personality (as in, not my street address).  First off, I like jokes.  A lot.  And it isn't very hard to make me laugh, either.  I like interesting things that people have to think through, like riddles, and I like emotional things, like the notebook.  I enjoy the presence of things that are genuine and truthful, like dogs.  Unposed photographs intrigue me, as do the messages on the inside of the caps on Snapple bottles.  I was raised in a nice home with more than enough food and a warm bed, all of which I am very grateful for.
As for things I don't like, the list is a tad more angry.  I don't like it when people purposely litter when there's a trash can two feet away. I think wearing fur is gross, but I understand why the Native Americans had to do it, so it's okay for them.  I don't like the dark, and I can't stand (or watch) horror movies.  I also really don't like it when people ask me to share my food with them during lunch, but that's because I get very territorial at times.
I'll do something more interesting later.
-lone wolf

Saturday, November 20, 2010

oh dear, here we go.

This is my first post, so I guess I should make it pretty good.  This is actually my... fifth? blog.  My first, Winnernerd, was a big success, and I am currently thinking of ways to wrap it up with its 200th post.  The other four(ish) either didn't work and I never spread them, or have not been revealed to society yet.  Either way, this is the first to be entirely about me.  It's pretty conceited, and I'll admit I'm not really comfortable with the idea, but alright, I guess I may as well since I'm already here.  That, and, I'm sure there are some people just itching to find out what I do in my free time, and I am just itching to provide.
I can't really tell you what to expect from this URL.  Probably some of my mediocre artwork, occasional pictures of me, thoughts on whatever.  You are not going to find any evidence of intelligent life, so if you're looking to be educated, at least for now, find a new blog to read.
-lone wolf