Monday, April 4, 2011

I don't even know

If you don't like what I do,
Shut up.

-Some prose, by the author of this blog.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Valentines Day

More often does one encounter someone who has something bad to say about valentines day than not. Might I add that those who do not criticize the holiday generally have a different sensitivity towards it, one involving more passion and dreamy like monologues, performed days, possibly even weeks prior to the occasion.  I must admit, it's hard to escape the woo-power of flowers and a box of chocolates, even if they aren't for me.  Anyone looks sweet when they sheepishly present a gift to their significant other.
But, honestly, it's all crap.
If there has to be a human-generated day to obligate someone to show appreciation for their lover or soon-to-be, the world has to be more cruel than I had thought.  Similar to mothers day, fathers day, birthdays, and everything up that alley- if the only day of the year one honors these people is the same day that everyone else does, that is mad, without denial or exception.  
And from a more logical standpoint, how romantic is a rose or piece of fine jewelry if your neighbor is getting the same thing, as is their neighbor, and their cousin, and their best friend?  I honestly don't want to put a damper on things, because if you have someone to share these special moments with, that is fantastic beyond words, and I'm probably happy for you.  But, please, take this advice- never forget the one you love on valentines day, but remember them 100 times more the rest of the year.  Things are almost always more romantic when they aren't scheduled on a calendar (the exception being weddings and other things of such manner). 
Then again, what do I know?  These thoughts are coming from someone that literally knows less than ground zero when it comes to romance.  But, just in case you don't totally discredit me and take into consideration what I just wrote, I'll wait to post this until the day after- just so you can enjoy your time.
Happy valentines day :) <3

Friday, February 4, 2011

fashion for the unfashionable

This is another kind of art I've always found intriguing, but very risky, economically and, well... what if the garment falls apart while it's on the model?

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


So, just a warning, finals/ midterms are coming up.
Which means... you won't be hearing from me until approximately February.
I hope you all have a nice and safe rest of January :)